Weight Loss

Did you know that losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can improve your overall health and reduce your risk for chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes? It is absolutely true! Another benefit to losing weight is your overall energy level will increase. When you lose weight, your oxygen efficiency improves and, in turn, you won’t find yourself getting out of breath so easily. Losing weight can also lower your risk of getting cancer, improve your memory, sleep better at night, decrease back pain and more.

Being overweight is not simply from just overeating and/or lack of physical activity. There are certain medical conditions that cause a person to be overweight, including certain medications being taken, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome. Other factors include genetics, frequency or infrequency of eating, and high carbohydrate intake diets.

Our providers will give you an in depth medical consultation to determine the right treatment plan for you to succeed your goals of losing weight. Let us help you get back on track to pursuing a happy and healthy lifestyle! Contact us today to schedule your appointment.